Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017


People , animals and plants are living things.
Animals can be wild or domestic.
Animals walk, climb, jump, swim or slither.
Animals adapt to their environment.
Fish have got fins
Polar Bears have got  white fur
Camels have got a hump
Monkeys have got a long tail.

Herbivores eat plants and fruit
Carnivores eat meat                                 Nutrition
Omnivores eat meat and plants

Viviparous animals are born from their mother’s body.                    Reproduction
Oviparous animals are born from eggs
Vertebrate animals share these characteristics:
They have got an internal skeleton made up of bones.
They are viviparous.
They have got bodies formed by a head, a trunk and limbs.
They can breathe using lungs or gills.
Their body temperatures are constant
There are five groups :


They live on land.
Some mammals live in water like whales and dolphins.
Mammals' body is covered in fur.
They breathe through their lungs.
Mammals are viviparous.
Mammals drink their mother's milk.

They are oviparous. They lay eggs.
They can be carnivores, herbivores, omnivores.
Adult birds find food for their babies.
Birds breathe by using their lungs.
Birds have got beaks.
Most birds live in the air.
Hens can't fly
Birds' bodies are covered in feathers.

They live in many habitats.
Some live on land and others in water.
Its body is covered in scales.



They are animals that have got no bones or backbone.
They are the most numerous group of all the animals 
Some live on land.
Some live in water . They are aquatic .
Some live in the air.
They are born from eggs.
Some have got six legs.
Some have got eight legs like spiders.
Others have got ten legs like crabs.

Their body is divided into three parts:  Head        Thorax              Abdomen.
There are eyes, mouth and two antennaes  in the head.
It has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings.