Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2018


Our primary students return one more year to the theatre.
This year :
-----------------First, second and third level will see the play------ BEETLES, BUGS AND BUTTERFLIES.
-----------------Fourth, fifth and sixth level will see the play------ THE BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018


Humans are different from other mammals:
                                         Humans walk upright.
                                         Humans have got a highly developed brain.
                                         Humans can do things with the hands.
Humans are living things that need food , air, water...
Humans are vertebrates.
Humans can move, grow and reproduce.
Humans are different, in gender, hair, eye colour, skin...
There are lots of internal parts to the human body. Most cells form organs and systems that have specialited functions.

There are several systems:
Excretory / Urinary


Why do you need to eat?
Which parts of the body make up the digestive system?
What happens to food in the stomach?
Where does food go in the intestines?
What foods do you eat to stay healthy?
Why do you burp and fart?
How are nutrients absorbed into your body? 
what is digestion?
What are the three funcions of the digestive system?
What is mechanical digestion?
What is chemical digestion?
what does the mouth contain?


What does your heart do?
What are the parts of the heart?
Why do you have blood in your body?
How does blood move through your body?
Where is your blood made?
What is blood made of?
What do arteries and veins do?
How does your blood help keep you healthy?

What do you do to keep your heart healthy?

What is a pulse?

Where can you locate your pulse on your body?


Why do we breathe?
Where does air go when you take a breath?
What do you think happens if you hold your breath?
Why do your lungs work harder when you exercise?
What are alveoli? What do they do?
What waste product do you get rid of every time you exhale?

How does oxygen reach our cells?


The skeleton is made up of bones and joins.
The musculature is the collection of muscles inside the body. Muscles produce movements.

Why do you have bones?
How are your bones connected?
Why do your bones have different shapes?
What are your bones made of?
What’s inside of a bone?
What do your bones do?
How do your bones change as you grow?
What allows the spine to move?

What are the two main parts of the nervous system?
Which bones protect the brain?
Which bones protect the spinal cord?
Why is it important to protect the central nervous system?
What are the two types of nerve extensions in a neuron?
What is the importance of the cerebellum?
which organs make up the brain?
Why do you have a brain?
What is your brain made of?
Why does your brain have wrinkles?
How is the brain connected to your body?
How does your brain learn new things?
What are the two main kinds of nervous actions?
How do you feel something hot, cold, painful, or ticklish?
How do you see?
How do you hear?

How do you smell?


What is the Endocrine System?
How is it organized?
What is the main function of the endocrine system?
What are hormones?


What do your kidneys do?
Why do you pee?
What controls your bladder?
How do we eliminate waste?
How does urine pass from the kidneys to the bladder?
How does urine leave the body?

How are male and female reproductive organs different?
What travels through all the tiny tubes in the reproductive systems?
How do male and female organs work together?

What makes the uterus a good place for a baby to develop?


Where is your sense of sight?
What are the parts of your eye ?
Why is your eye like a camera?
Why do you need tears ?
How do you care for your eyes?
Why is it important to take good  care of your eyes?
What part of the eye gives the colour?

What part of your body do you use to smell with?
Which of the organs detect a bad smell?
Why is the sense of smell so important?
How can the sense of smell warn us of danger?

What organs detect information about substances? Where are your taste buds ?
How does the tongue work ?
How does taste help us select and enjoy food?
What would happen to you without the sense of taste?

Where is the cochlea? Why is it important to protect your ears ?
What happen if you couldn't hear well ?
Could you communicate if you couldn't hear?


You are healthy when your body feels good.

What healthy habits do you do? / What habits can help us stay healthy?
What makes us sick?
How does your body protect you from germs?

What kinds of cells defend your body from germs?

Why do you think it is important to have good personal 
