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sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2020


 Pupil's Cortiguera   P6B     

Pupil's Cortiguera   P2B


What title would you give to this story?

Once upon a time there was a little prince named Sungu.
He lived in a castle, in the kingdom of tales.
And in this kingdom also lived the terrible Wigmark, a monster with long, sharp teeth. This monster ate the children. They are delicious!
Sungu was so afraid that he didn't dare go out.
His parents gave him a gift each.
His mother gave him a magic shield and said: This shield is indestructible. If Wigmark tries to devour you, it will break your teeth.
His father gave him a sword and said: This sword will cut off your appetite.
The prince felt safe and did not separate himself from his shield or sword.
And one day he met three elves: Roan, Lesar and Hesrah.
Where are you going? Asked the prince.
Let's go to the school! The goblins responded, jumping with joy. Sungu was surprised. He also had a teacher who went to the castle, but he was very boring.
So asked them: Can I go with you?
Hesrah replied: Of course I do! Our teacher is a very good fairy, you will see
When Sungu arrived at the school gate, he saw many children playing in the yard. How good everyone is having it. The teacher is wearing a beautiful blue dress. She greeted her with a beautiful smile: Good morning, my name is Tyria, and what is your name?
My name is Sungu and I want to come to school.
Welcome Sungu! But here you cannot enter with weapons ...
You should come with a backpack and a case.
Sungu hesitated and became very nervous without my weapons? He turned around and went home.
The next morning, his elf friends made a detour to go through the castle and called the prince: Are you coming to school with us? Sungu leaned out the window making a pained face: No, my gut hurts a lot! Maybe tomorrow…
The truth is that he really wanted to go to school with his new friends ... but he was very afraid to part with his magic weapons.
His parents decided to give him a backpack, a pencil case and a very long wooden ruler.
And Sungu left the castle without his shield and without his sword. I was really very scared: What if I meet the monster Wigmark?
Sungu saw Roan, Lesar and Hesrah. But, he was not the only one who saw them; attracted by the smell of children Wigmark was hidden behind some bushes ready to jump on them ...

At that moment Sungu caught up with them yelling Wait for me, I'm going to school with you!
Wigmark licked his lips and decided to follow them silently.
When the children arrived at the class, Tyria greeted Sungu and said: Sit next to Lesar. I think you already know each other.
Meanwhile, Wigmark had entered the courtyard without anyone seeing him. He looked out the classroom window and was very happy: A class full of boys and girls! What a feast! MMM!
In class, tranquility reigned. Sungu was very happy to be at school. But suddenly the door burst open!
Wigmark appeared and gave a terrible roar, I'm Hungry!
The prince was afraid. He didn't have his magic weapons!
So I grab his backpack like a shield and his long wooden ruler like a sword. Wigmark laughed. Do you think you're scary? He removed the backpack and swallowed it whole. He grabbed the ruler and broke it in two. And, he finally caught Sungu to eat him.
Then Tyria took out her magic wand and uttered a formula: Abracadaba! If you have an appetite, you better eat a good book!
And… .. Sungu appeared sitting on the table and Wigmark with a book in his hands. When she bit him, her teeth got so hard that she couldn't open her mouth ...
Furious, he launched himself at the teacher. But Roan, Lesar and Hesrah had tied a jump rope between their tables ... And Wigmark tripped and fell! The children took the opportunity to pounce on him, with their jump ropes and some rolls of adhesive tape, they tied him up and tied him like a sausage.
Sungu and his companions all shouted together: Long live! We have won! We have beaten Wigmark!
Sungu was happy.
I will never be afraid again!


In the castle tower, Princess Rosa, who because of her beauty everyone called “Rosa, the most beautiful”, played the harp with a sigh. She was very much in love with Prince Hector, and it had been two days since he had come to visit her.

Suddenly, the princess saw a crow perch on the edge of the window.

It was a rather special raven, since it had a message tied to its leg.

The princess unleashed the message saying to herself: What a strange carrier pigeon!

And then she read it:

Princess Rosa, this is a request for help! Meet me as soon as possible in front of the waterfall.

But, first of all, come alone and don't tell anyone, it's a secret!

Signed: Prince Héctor.

Rosa did not hesitate for a second. She tiptoed down the stairs to the tower and, when she was sure no one saw her, she ran down the small path that led into the forest.

While she was walking, the princess was thinking: she has arrived with a messenger crow ... And why does the prince insist so much that she go alone?

The princess was suspicious and decided to be very careful.

She climbed a treetop to watch the surroundings.

Everything seemed completely calm.

Suddenly a strange character appeared, and other characters…. They were pixies.

She could hear what they were talking to each other…. The princess has not arrived yet, but looking at the crow has. We will notify the teacher.

The princess saw one of the elves go to the waterfall, put on the hood and disappear under the stream of water… Soon after, the elf returned soaked and went with the other elves to hide while they were waiting for the princess.

Rosa climbed down from the tree and headed quickly toward the waterfall.

She crossed the waterfall and discovered Hector. It was tied and hung above a huge cauldron.

The princess put a finger to her lips to keep the prince from saying anything.

The evil sorcerer Vork, stirred the cauldron with a long stick, saying: Cook a toad, two bat wings, a unicorn tear, six fern leaves, a prince and a princess ...

The warlock bent down to blow the fire that burned under the cauldron ... It is almost there! Only the princess is missing, I have tricked her by imitating your handwriting, so that she will come. My potion will be ready and I will be totally invincible!

He laughed mockingly. Now all you have to do is wait for the other fool!

The prince turned red and protested: I forbid you to speak like that about the princess!

At that moment, Princess Rosa approached the sorcerer from behind, grabbed the long stick from the ground and exclaimed: This is from the other fool! And she gave the wizard a good stick, who screamed before passing out.

The princess began to untie the prince but the elves, alerted by the warlock's scream, entered the cave screaming: The princess! How did you get here?

The elves loomed closer ...

But the prince and princess stood behind the cauldron, and overturned its contents at the feet of their enemies.

Rosa seized the witcher's wand and cried out in a terrible voice: I'm going to transform you into slugs!

The elves fled in a hurry and the impressed prince asked the princess: Do you know how to use Vork's wand?

Of course not! Rosa replied laughing but the trick has worked and the elves must be far away!

By the way, the warlock had better not find the wand when she wakes up ...

The princess threw the wand into the fire, and they ran away.

Back, the prince thought he was very lucky, but he was afraid of being ridiculous, being tied ... And he tried to explain himself, but she interrupted him smiling, surely you would have done great. But ... I loved to save you!

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