Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2022


 AUTUMN has arrived

What a delicious breakfast daddy and mummy had prepared that morning!

On the kitchen table there was a plate of toast and big glasses of milk.

Every day, Alba and Ulysses had a good breakfast. Mum said it was very important to have a good breakfast to be strong in the morning, and the young lady said so too, so it had to be true.

When Ulysses finished his glass of milk - he drank it all - he heard a little noise in the window panes.

-What's that sound? -Alba said.

-I don't know, let's see.

They looked out of the window and do you know what it was? In the sky, the clouds were blocking out the sun and it was raining.  And the wind was blowing hard.

-How nice! Mama will tell us to put on our wellies.

So we did. Mama went into the kitchen and told them to put on the boots they had bought in the shoe shop. Ulysses' was yellow, the same colour as the leaves on some of the trees.

They also put on their mackintoshes and with Alba's umbrella, which was big, they both covered themselves and left for school.

All the children were wearing boots that day, some blue, some green... and they were all very happy because they could step in the puddles and not get their feet wet.

As he did every day when he arrived at school, Ulysses stood under the tree of Coco, the little bird, waiting for his friend to come down to eat the little piece of bread he always brought him.

Coco was a friend of all the children in the class and when they went out for recess he would flutter around them. At other times he would fly up to the window of the classroom and watch the children doing their work.

But that morning Coco did not appear. There were many yellow leaves on the ground in the playground and the wind was blowing hard, leaving the branches of Coco's tree bare.

But where was Coco? There was no sign of him. They looked for him in other trees but he was not there either. Then the teacher explained what was happening.

When the leaves on the trees turn yellow, the wind blows hard and it rains, it is autumn.

As the trees have no leaves, the birds can't live in them. So they go to other places where the wind doesn't blow.

But there was no need to worry because Coco would come back. When the trees had leaves again, she would come back to the school garden. All we had to do was wait.

And colorín colorín colorado, this story is over.

And then, berry red, out of the chimney comes a rocket.

The two little leaves

It was a big tree full of leaves until one day a great wind appeared and began to blow and blow. The leaves fell to the ground one after the other. Some of them got muddy, others were stepped on by children, and others ended up in the rubbish bin when the street sweeper picked them up.

There were two leaves on top of a twig that cried because they didn't want to fall to the ground. They didn't want to get muddy, to be stepped on by the children or to be thrown in the rubbish. Every time the wind came, the leaves moved, but they held on tightly to the branch of the tree with their twig. Suddenly the smallest one said: I have an idea, look at that bird flying in the sky, why don't we wait for a big wind to come and fly with it.

The other leaf thought it was a great idea.

When a great wind blew, the two leaves dropped their twig from the branch of the tree and flew up into the air, very high, very high, until they disappeared together with the birds in the sky