Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019


What is energy ?
Energy can't  be  destroyed, only changed. This is called the law of conservation.
Energy exists all around  us and  there are different   types of energy.
Almost all types of energy  are "potential energy" or " Kinetic  energy" .
Electrical current is the flow of electrical charge through materials.
A generator is needed to create the electrical current. It produces energy which allows the charge to flow through the material.
The simplest form of generator is a battery. Batteries transform chemical energy into electrical energy. Power stations also use very powerful generators called alternators.
Conductors are materials like metal that  transmit electrical current.
Insulators are materials like wood and plastic that do not transmit electrical current.
An electrical circuit is made up of different components that allow an electrical current to flow. This makes it possible to generate, transport and use electrical current.

When you switch on a light, you use an electrical circuit. 
----A generator located at the nearest power station.
---Electrical wires that transport the current to your house , then to the socket and finally to the light bulb.
---- A switch that opens or closes the circuit.
---- A light bulb that produces light by using the energy from the electrical current.

The main sources of energy can be divided in:

            Petroleum, natural gas, uranium and coal are found under the ground.
       Fossil fuels are the decomposed remains of plants and animals that were buried underground millions of years ago.
      Plants and organisms died and got covered by layers of sand and rocks

These are the Sun, wind, water and biomass.
These energy sources are always available.
They will never run out.

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