Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Special Christmas 2020

 With the advent calendar, we took up an old German custom from the 19th century, which after becoming popular has become a creative and exciting countdown to Christmas for many families, especially when there are children. We begin by opening little windows on December 1st and end on Christmas Eve, December 24th.

Christmas is the date set aside for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Today, just as the Three Kings of the Orient brought gifts to Jesus, on the night of 24th December Father Christmas, and on the night of 5th and 6th January the Three Kings, bring gifts to every home to commemorate the birth of the Baby Jesus.

So don't forget to leave milk and biscuits for the Three Kings, or they will leave you some coal!

Once upon a time...
In one small town there was only one shop that sold Christmas trees. There you could find Christmas trees of all sizes, shapes and colours.
The owner of the shop had organised a competition to award the most beautiful and best decorated tree of the year and the best thing was that it was St. Nicholas himself who was going to give out the prize on Christmas Day. All the children in the city wanted to be awarded by Santa and they went to the shop to buy their tree to decorate it and be able to compete.
For their part, the little trees were very excited when they saw the children and decided to be the chosen one, shouting: "Look at me!
To me, I am big!... No, not me who is fat!... or me who is made of chocolate!... or me who can talk! You could hear it all over the shop. As the days went by, the shop was running out of trees and all you could hear was the voice of a little tree saying: To me, to me... I am the smallest one.
Almost on Christmas Eve, a very elegant couple arrived at the shop to buy a tree.
The shop owner informed them that the only Christmas tree he had left was a very small one. Regardless of the size, the couple decided to take it with them.
The small tree was very happy because finally someone could decorate it for Christmas and could participate in the competition.
When they arrived at the house where the couple lived, the tree was surprised: How could I, being so small, look so beautiful and majestic?
Once the couple entered the house, they began to call the daughter: Mary! Come... Daughter!... we have a surprise for you. The little tree heard some rapid footsteps coming from upstairs.
Her little heart began to beat strongly. He was happy to be able to make a beautiful little girl happy.
As the little tree came down, he was impressed by the girl's reaction: - This is my tree! I wanted a big, leafy, huge tree up to the sky to decorate it with thousands of lights and spheres. How am I going to win the competition with this little dwarf tree? said the girl, crying.
- Mary, it was the only tree left in the shop, her father explained.
- I don't want it!...it's horrible... I don't want it!, shouted the girl furiously.
The parents, disappointed, took the little tree and brought it back to the shop. 

The tree was sad because the girl did not want it but she hoped that someone would come and decorate it in time for Christmas. A few hours later, it was heard that they opened the door of the shop.
To me... to me... who is the smallest. The little tree shouted full of happiness. It was a sturdy couple, with big red cheeks and huge hands. The man in the shop informed them that the only tree he had left was the little one in the window. The couple took the tree and, without paying attention to its size, left with it.
When they got home, the tree saw two children coming out to meet it and shouting: "Did you find it, Daddy? Is that how we asked you, Mummy? When the parents got out of the car, the children went over to the little tree.

And what happened next? .........




viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2020

Some tasks performed by students


Isaac Newton is one of the most extraordinary minds in history. He is considered the representative of modern science, for his important contributions to physics and mathematics. He was much more than a scientist.

He did not know his father and his mother did not want to raise him. He barely felt loved.

He received a rather strict education, especially in religion.

His adolescence was spent far from his family, but still the years were quiet.

He met Catherine, with whom he had a great friendship.

He created many toys (wood, light, water, wind).

At the age of 16, he finished his studies at King's School.

He studied at the University of Cambridge.

He chose physics. He explained the Law of Gravity, which changed many concepts of science.  In 1669 he invented the reflecting telescope.

He even made some complicated calculations to discover when the end of the world would be.  He concluded that it would be in 2060.

This great sage died in 1727.

Inés Morán Aller --- sixth grade


Albert was born in Germany on March 14, 1879, in a small town called Ulm. Throughout his life he had three different nationalities: German, then Swiss and the United States, where he died in April 1955.

As unlikely as it may seem, Einstein was considered by his teachers to be a bad student, a bit irresponsible, lazy and rather clumsy with mathematics. He enjoyed the violin, however, a passion that was instilled in him by his mother and which accompanied him throughout his life.

Curious, isn't it? Especially when we know him as one of the most brilliant minds in the fields of arithmetic, mathematics, physics... and we know that his contributions came to revolutionize all these areas, even giving rise to new branches of study.

At Einstein College he was very interested in mathematics and physics, but the other subjects were boring and simple.

Einstein's first wife had been a fellow student.
she accompanied him in the development of his first theories, which were published in 1905 
Five articles where Einstein expressed and exposed his interpretation of phenomena such as relativity. Thanks to the magnificent development of these ideas, Einstein obtained the degree of Doctor and the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

Some of his most interesting theories are

Brownian Movement

Theory of Special Relativity

Mass Energy Equivalence. E = mc²

Theory of General Relativity.

You see that even for a genius like Einstein studying required effort.

Hugo  Guerra Pérez   Sixth Grade


This American inventor was born in Milan (Ohio) on 11 February 1847. His childhood was not easy because his family was poor. Furthermore, as a child, he became partially deaf as a result of scarlet fever. This handicap conditioned his way of seeing the world and his relationships with children of his age. Since he was a child he liked to carry out experiments.

. Although he was smart, he was bored in class and his grades were low. At the age of seven he was expelled from school because his teacher considered him to be a retard.

His mother, who was a school teacher, decided to take over his training. She was able to convey to him things that were very difficult to teach: curiosity about things and phenomena, perseverance in work and a desire to read. It was precisely the reading of a book provided by his mother that created in Thomas a great fascination for experimentation. And since he was ten years old, he had been conducting experiments in a pantry at home. At the age of twelve, he sold newspapers and knick-knacks on the train to pay for his laboratory experiments.

After saving a child from dying on the train tracks, the child's grateful father taught him telegraphy. He liked what he didn't know so much that he built a domestic telegraph. He was a tireless reader; it is said that he tried to read a whole library. He reproduced the experiments he had read. All his circumstances and calamities in his childhood force us to think of this character not only as an inventor but as a person.

In 1868, Thomas Edison patented his first invention. It was a device for counting votes in elections. But it was not very successful.

He improved Graham Bell's telephone by adding a carbon microphone.

In 1877, he made one of his most important contributions: the phonograph.

Perhaps his most famous discovery was the light bulb.

Behind all these discoveries there were many hours of work and not always successful. Thomas Edison had a natural optimism and great perseverance.

And on another occasion, he said: "An experience is never a failure, because it always comes to prove something".

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla, was a Croatian engineer born in Smija, in the Austrian Empire in July 1856. He was an inventor in the field of electromagnetism. His studies and researches today have been the basis of systems for the use of alternating electric current.

Son of Serbian parents. His father Milutin Tesla was a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church and his mother Duka Mandic was a housewife who invented small domestic appliances, although she was illiterate.

In 1862, the family moved to Gospic, where Nikola attended  a secondary school like the lycée in France, and studied for three years when the normal was four, but Tesla's genius helped him complete the curriculum in less time.

He was convinced by his father to return to university and entered Charles University in Prague, where he met Ernst Macht, an Austrian physicist and philosopher in the field of optics and acoustics.

However, when his father died, he dropped out of the course.

Nikola Tesla moved to Paris in 1882, and there he began working at the Continental Edison Company as an engineer, designing electrical equipment. That year, he invented the induction motor, which is an alternating current electric motor.

In 1884 he arrived in the United States to work with Thomas Edison himself, who hired him to work at the Edison Machine Works. Tesla excelled at repairing the damaged dynamos of the Oregon liner, which earned him Edison's congratulations and further consideration.

He redesigned the Edison company's DC generators, for which he was offered $50,000. In 1886, Tesla opened his own company: Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing, without much success since its investors did not approve the project of an alternating current motor.

But he continued with his project. Later George Westinghouse bought Tesla's patent for his alternating current motor. With this money he became more independent and opened a workshop in Manhattan with hired personnel.

Nikola's inventions are many: the Tesla coil, wireless lighting, the steam oscillator generator, among others.

This ingenious electrician died in New York in 1943.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020



Some invertebrates live in fresh water in places like rivers or lakes.

 Clam                             Dragonfly                        Crab

Other invertebrates live in salt water   in the sea or the oceans.

Jellyfish                         Starfish             Octopus

Most invertebrates live on land. They are called Terrestrial Invertebrates

Bee       Beetle      Grasshopper       Snail    Earthworm       Ants    Slug     Ladybird


Wasps, bees, ants and many other insects live in large organised groups or colonies. For this reason, they are called social insects. Among the members of a colony, there is a division of labour. The body of the insect is adapted to the functions.

In a honeybee colony, there is the only one queen bee. She is the only fertile female. Drones are male bees. Their main function is to fertilize the queen in the spring.

Worker bees are sterile females. 

They perform many tasks;  for example, nurse bees care for the larvae.

Nectar foragers  transform the nectar into honey.

Pollen foragers collect and carry  food to the larvae.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020


 This year,  because of Covid,  the halloween party will be different. It will be done at home, but just as fun.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020



On Earth there are different landscapes, and in each of them the temperatures are different, as well as the sunlight, the amount of rain and the type of plants.

In a landscape there are natural elements such as mountains, trees, rivers....

And other elements built by people such as houses, roads, bridges, tunnels...

Landscapes naturally change their appearance over time.

People also transform landscapes to adapt them to their needs.

There are inland landscapes and coastal landscapes.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020


 Living things are born, grow, reproduce, grow, old and die.

People, plants and animals are all living things.

Living things need air, water, food and shelter to survive.

Non-living things are not born, and do not grow, reproduce, old or die.


Raspberry----- frambuesa


Leek---- puerro

Radish-------- rábano

Lettuce---- lechuga

Parsley------ perejil


Fig---- higo


Garlic------ ajos

Spinach-----  espinacas

Herb--------- hierba


Vegetable garden-------- huerta

Fruit------------------ Fruta

Watering can-------- regadera



Living things  of the same species that live in the same habitat are  a population.
All the different populations that live in the same habitat are a community.
Habitats have different characteristics.
Light, water, the temperature and the type of soil all affect living things.
An ecosystem is the combination of a habitat and its community of living things.

What are the different types of ecosystems?

There are many different types of ecosystems, but we can classify them into 2 main groups: terrestrial and aquatic
Terms related to ecosystems
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life. It is seen in the number of species in an ecosystem or on the entire Earth. Biodiversity gets used as a measure of the health of biological systems, and to see if there is a danger that too many species become extinct.
The biosphere is all parts of and around the planet Earth where life can be found. ... So, the biosphere includes all living things from plants and animals to fungi and bacteria AND any place you can find life on or around Earth. The biosphere is the parts of and around Earth that support life.
biome is a large region of Earth that has a certain climate and certain types of living things. Major biomes include tundra, forests, grasslands, and deserts. ... Plants and animals that live within smaller areas of a biome also depend on each other for survival. These smaller areas are called ecosystems.
Community__ all the populations of different organisms living together in a habitat.
All living organisms share this beautiful planet earth and live in harmony with each other. But there are several threats to various organisms that can disturb this harmony


martes, 13 de octubre de 2020


The city or town where we live is a locality.

A locality and the surrounding territories form a municipality.

Each municipality is made up of the mayor and the councillors. They are all elected by the inhabitants of the municipality.

The town council provides the inhabitants with cultural and sports facilities, and also organises rubbish collection and good street lighting.

The building where the mayor and all his team work is called the Town Hall.

 Town and cities are big urban areas. These are many buildings and most of them are very tall. Cities are bigger than  towns and more people live in towns and cities than  villages.

Town and cities have large streets  called avenues with lots of shops, schools and hospitals, but the distance between places is bigger and people spend a lot of time travelling.

Villages are smaller than towns and cities. They are in country areas. Fewer people live in villages.  Streets are narrow . There are fewer services than in towns and cities, but villages are less polluted and people can walk from home to school and work.


Aquarium- acuario
Bus stop- parada de autobus
Church- iglesia
Cinema- cine
Fire station- parque de bomberos
Flat- piso
Flower shop- floristería
Gym- gimnasio
Hospital- hospital
Pet shop- tienda de animales
Petrol station- gasolinera
Police station- comisaría
Post box- buzón
Restaurant- restaurante
Shopping centre- centro comercial
Street- calle
Supermarket- supermercado
Swimming pool- piscina
Toy shop- tienda de juguetes
Traffic light- semáforo
Underground- metro
Zebra crossing- paso de peatones



Everything around us needs energy to work.

Much of the energy we use in our houses comes from electricity.

Energy is the ability to do work.

All living things need energy to live. Machines and tools use energy to work.

There are different types of energy:

The main sources of energy can be dividec into 2 groups:
  • NON- Renewable energy sources
These are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum and natural gas. 
They are found under the ground.
They were made millions of years ago and millions of years are necessary to make more.   Because they are consumed faster than they are made, they will run out.

  • Renewable  energy sources
These are the Sun, wind, water and biomass.
These energy sources are always  available.
They will never run out.


Geysers are a rare natural phenomenon. The Earth's internal energy heats water found deep underground and expels steam. This energy can be transformed into electrical energy in geothermal power plants. 

Where can you find geothermal energy?


Tidal energy is a renewable energy powered by the natural rise and fall of ocean tides and currents. Some of these technologies include turbines and paddles.

Tidal energy is created using the movement of our tides and oceans, where the intensity of the water from the rise and fall of tides is a form of kinetic energy. Tidal power surrounds gravitational hydropower, which uses the movement of water to push a turbine to generate electricity.

sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2020


 Pupil's Cortiguera   P6B     

Pupil's Cortiguera   P2B


What title would you give to this story?

Once upon a time there was a little prince named Sungu.
He lived in a castle, in the kingdom of tales.
And in this kingdom also lived the terrible Wigmark, a monster with long, sharp teeth. This monster ate the children. They are delicious!
Sungu was so afraid that he didn't dare go out.
His parents gave him a gift each.
His mother gave him a magic shield and said: This shield is indestructible. If Wigmark tries to devour you, it will break your teeth.
His father gave him a sword and said: This sword will cut off your appetite.
The prince felt safe and did not separate himself from his shield or sword.
And one day he met three elves: Roan, Lesar and Hesrah.
Where are you going? Asked the prince.
Let's go to the school! The goblins responded, jumping with joy. Sungu was surprised. He also had a teacher who went to the castle, but he was very boring.
So asked them: Can I go with you?
Hesrah replied: Of course I do! Our teacher is a very good fairy, you will see
When Sungu arrived at the school gate, he saw many children playing in the yard. How good everyone is having it. The teacher is wearing a beautiful blue dress. She greeted her with a beautiful smile: Good morning, my name is Tyria, and what is your name?
My name is Sungu and I want to come to school.
Welcome Sungu! But here you cannot enter with weapons ...
You should come with a backpack and a case.
Sungu hesitated and became very nervous without my weapons? He turned around and went home.
The next morning, his elf friends made a detour to go through the castle and called the prince: Are you coming to school with us? Sungu leaned out the window making a pained face: No, my gut hurts a lot! Maybe tomorrow…
The truth is that he really wanted to go to school with his new friends ... but he was very afraid to part with his magic weapons.
His parents decided to give him a backpack, a pencil case and a very long wooden ruler.
And Sungu left the castle without his shield and without his sword. I was really very scared: What if I meet the monster Wigmark?
Sungu saw Roan, Lesar and Hesrah. But, he was not the only one who saw them; attracted by the smell of children Wigmark was hidden behind some bushes ready to jump on them ...

At that moment Sungu caught up with them yelling Wait for me, I'm going to school with you!
Wigmark licked his lips and decided to follow them silently.
When the children arrived at the class, Tyria greeted Sungu and said: Sit next to Lesar. I think you already know each other.
Meanwhile, Wigmark had entered the courtyard without anyone seeing him. He looked out the classroom window and was very happy: A class full of boys and girls! What a feast! MMM!
In class, tranquility reigned. Sungu was very happy to be at school. But suddenly the door burst open!
Wigmark appeared and gave a terrible roar, I'm Hungry!
The prince was afraid. He didn't have his magic weapons!
So I grab his backpack like a shield and his long wooden ruler like a sword. Wigmark laughed. Do you think you're scary? He removed the backpack and swallowed it whole. He grabbed the ruler and broke it in two. And, he finally caught Sungu to eat him.
Then Tyria took out her magic wand and uttered a formula: Abracadaba! If you have an appetite, you better eat a good book!
And… .. Sungu appeared sitting on the table and Wigmark with a book in his hands. When she bit him, her teeth got so hard that she couldn't open her mouth ...
Furious, he launched himself at the teacher. But Roan, Lesar and Hesrah had tied a jump rope between their tables ... And Wigmark tripped and fell! The children took the opportunity to pounce on him, with their jump ropes and some rolls of adhesive tape, they tied him up and tied him like a sausage.
Sungu and his companions all shouted together: Long live! We have won! We have beaten Wigmark!
Sungu was happy.
I will never be afraid again!


In the castle tower, Princess Rosa, who because of her beauty everyone called “Rosa, the most beautiful”, played the harp with a sigh. She was very much in love with Prince Hector, and it had been two days since he had come to visit her.

Suddenly, the princess saw a crow perch on the edge of the window.

It was a rather special raven, since it had a message tied to its leg.

The princess unleashed the message saying to herself: What a strange carrier pigeon!

And then she read it:

Princess Rosa, this is a request for help! Meet me as soon as possible in front of the waterfall.

But, first of all, come alone and don't tell anyone, it's a secret!

Signed: Prince Héctor.

Rosa did not hesitate for a second. She tiptoed down the stairs to the tower and, when she was sure no one saw her, she ran down the small path that led into the forest.

While she was walking, the princess was thinking: she has arrived with a messenger crow ... And why does the prince insist so much that she go alone?

The princess was suspicious and decided to be very careful.

She climbed a treetop to watch the surroundings.

Everything seemed completely calm.

Suddenly a strange character appeared, and other characters…. They were pixies.

She could hear what they were talking to each other…. The princess has not arrived yet, but looking at the crow has. We will notify the teacher.

The princess saw one of the elves go to the waterfall, put on the hood and disappear under the stream of water… Soon after, the elf returned soaked and went with the other elves to hide while they were waiting for the princess.

Rosa climbed down from the tree and headed quickly toward the waterfall.

She crossed the waterfall and discovered Hector. It was tied and hung above a huge cauldron.

The princess put a finger to her lips to keep the prince from saying anything.

The evil sorcerer Vork, stirred the cauldron with a long stick, saying: Cook a toad, two bat wings, a unicorn tear, six fern leaves, a prince and a princess ...

The warlock bent down to blow the fire that burned under the cauldron ... It is almost there! Only the princess is missing, I have tricked her by imitating your handwriting, so that she will come. My potion will be ready and I will be totally invincible!

He laughed mockingly. Now all you have to do is wait for the other fool!

The prince turned red and protested: I forbid you to speak like that about the princess!

At that moment, Princess Rosa approached the sorcerer from behind, grabbed the long stick from the ground and exclaimed: This is from the other fool! And she gave the wizard a good stick, who screamed before passing out.

The princess began to untie the prince but the elves, alerted by the warlock's scream, entered the cave screaming: The princess! How did you get here?

The elves loomed closer ...

But the prince and princess stood behind the cauldron, and overturned its contents at the feet of their enemies.

Rosa seized the witcher's wand and cried out in a terrible voice: I'm going to transform you into slugs!

The elves fled in a hurry and the impressed prince asked the princess: Do you know how to use Vork's wand?

Of course not! Rosa replied laughing but the trick has worked and the elves must be far away!

By the way, the warlock had better not find the wand when she wakes up ...

The princess threw the wand into the fire, and they ran away.

Back, the prince thought he was very lucky, but he was afraid of being ridiculous, being tied ... And he tried to explain himself, but she interrupted him smiling, surely you would have done great. But ... I loved to save you!

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