Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

martes, 13 de octubre de 2020



Everything around us needs energy to work.

Much of the energy we use in our houses comes from electricity.

Energy is the ability to do work.

All living things need energy to live. Machines and tools use energy to work.

There are different types of energy:

The main sources of energy can be dividec into 2 groups:
  • NON- Renewable energy sources
These are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum and natural gas. 
They are found under the ground.
They were made millions of years ago and millions of years are necessary to make more.   Because they are consumed faster than they are made, they will run out.

  • Renewable  energy sources
These are the Sun, wind, water and biomass.
These energy sources are always  available.
They will never run out.


Geysers are a rare natural phenomenon. The Earth's internal energy heats water found deep underground and expels steam. This energy can be transformed into electrical energy in geothermal power plants. 

Where can you find geothermal energy?


Tidal energy is a renewable energy powered by the natural rise and fall of ocean tides and currents. Some of these technologies include turbines and paddles.

Tidal energy is created using the movement of our tides and oceans, where the intensity of the water from the rise and fall of tides is a form of kinetic energy. Tidal power surrounds gravitational hydropower, which uses the movement of water to push a turbine to generate electricity.

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