Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

sábado, 29 de febrero de 2020


This is our home Planet.
Do we really know it?
What shape is the Earth?    It's almost completely round.
What is the Sun? It's a star. It's in the center of our Solar System. It give us light and heat.
The sun isn't a planet. It formed 5 billion years ago from a cloud of gas and dust.
The sun's diameter is 1.392.000 kilometres. It is much bigger than the Earth.
What is the Moon? It's a natural satellite of the Earth. It orbits around the center.
Super Moon 2020, on Monday March 9.

It's called Super Worm Moon. 

How far is the Earth from the Sun? It's about 150 million kilometres.
What layers does the Earth have? The Earth have four layers: Crust , Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core

Why is the Earth called the 'BLUE PLANET'? Because This planet has got a lot of water. It looks like blue from space.
 What causes the seasons? It is the movement of revolution..

What are Natural Satellites? They are smaller celestial bodies. They revolve around planets.
What are the phases of the Moon? Full Moon, First quarter Moon, New Moon and Last quarter Moon.
What is the Earth's axis of rotation ? It's an imaginary line . This line goes from the North Pole to the South Pole. This axis isn't  perfectly vertical. It has got inclination of about 23 degrees.

Some planets are near the sun like... Venus, Mars, Mercury and  The Earth.
Venus is the second planet from the sun. It is the brightest and hottest planet. This planet can be see from the Earth.
Some planets are far away from the sun. These planes are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. It is the second biggest planet. Saturn has got rings made of ice and rock. Saturn has got lots of moons.


"HAPPY EARTH DAY- 22nd April, 2020"
We can recycle materials like:

  • Plastics
  • Cardboard paper
  • Glass
This will reduce the amount of trash in our landfills.
Cartoon Family on a pile of Garbage - Buy this stock vector and ...

Earth Day comes once a year. But we should make our message clear...

             EACH          DAY