Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2021



Mother's Day is a day dedicated, in many countries around the world, to paying tribute to our mothers.

We have many reasons to be grateful for their infinite love, devotion and generosity since we were born; therefore, on this day we make them the absolute protagonists and we try to ensure that they enjoy a few unforgettable hours, if possible in our company.

It seems that in Ancient Greece, celebrations were held in honour of Rhea, the mythological goddess daughter of Uranus and Gaea. Rhea was the goddess of female fertility and motherhood.

In classical Rome, Cybele, the Magna Mater associated with the fertility of the earth and nature, was venerated.

After the emergence of the Christian religion, believers gradually transformed this pagan celebration into a feast in honour of the Virgin Mary, mother of their only god, Jesus of Nazareth.

In contemporary times, Pope Pius IX established 8 December as the official date for celebrating the Immaculate Conception. It was in 1854 and, since then, some countries have kept that date to celebrate Mother's Day.

It is important to note that the current holiday has a lot to do with two social activists in the United States: Julia Ward Howe and Anna Reeves Jarvis. In the early 20th century, these women succeeded in establishing a day to honour mothers.  Thanks to their efforts, in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday in May officially Mother's Day.

The second Sunday in May, a date established more than a century ago in the United States, was adopted by many countries around the world, but not in all cases.

In Spain it is celebrated on the first Sunday in May.

Mother's Day is emotional for everyone, but undoubtedly those who experience it most intensely are the children because it gives them the opportunity to prepare a beautiful gift made with their own little hands.

The schools know how important this is for the little ones and they tend to get involved in this task by coming up with cool presents and providing the material to make them. Others make them at home, with the help of their parents, siblings or grandparents.

If children want to create something at home, they don't need to make elaborate or expensive crafts. Mothers will love any detail that their son or daughter has put a lot of love into.

A classic that can't be missed is a card written by the children themselves. All it takes is a piece of cardboard folded in half and a few crayons/coloured pens to express how much they love their mum.

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