Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017


On 24th December, we celebrated Christmas Eve. We have a special Dinner with our family. This family reunion is very important and happy.
All the family sing Carols.  After Dinner we go to the church and we participate in the Midnight Mass .
Finally, we kiss The little Baby Jesus that is a figure.
Some villages or town have Living Native Scene.


Let's sing Christmas Carols
Let's give nice presents to our friends and family
Let's send lots of  christmas cards
Let's do lots of other fun things.
Let's decorate the Christmas Tree 

Do you like this magical Christmas story ?----   H&M -Tv spot

lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017


It was approved on 6th December, 1978.
The rights and freedoms of citizens and equality before the law are guaranteed.

Institutions of the Spanish State:
 ------------The King is the head of state.
-------------The Cortes Generales exert legislative power.
-------------The government  exerts executive power.
-------------The judges and the courts of law exert judicial power.

Autonomous Regions
------------------------What is the right to autonomy ? It  is the power to make certain governmental decisions at regional level.
Spain has got seventeen autonomous  regions an two autonomous cities. These cities are  Ceuta and Melilla.
Each region has got its Statute of Autonomy.

domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017


The materials are all around us.
Some material such us rocks in the Earth are natural.
Some materials are light and other materials are heavy.
For example.... Helium is a gas. It is lighter than air. Balloons fill with helium. They can float in the air.
Paper is a thin material. We can bend it and fold it easily. There are a lot of different uses for paper.

The scarf isn´t waterproof but it´s bendy.
The biscuit isn´t waterproof and bendy.


miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

Let's go to the theatre 2

This year we will return to the theatre.
Let's have fun and learn...
First , second and third level will see the play ---- DINOS.
Fourth, fifth and sixth level will see the play ------- THE TIME MACHINE

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Hallowe'en Festival

Let's go to play:                  

Hallowe'en is a big party for a lot of people. Nowadays  it's celebrated  with costumes, decorations, and parties.
The children say:   TRICK or TREAT
It begins the night before on October 31st.

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017

Autumn Festival

Autumn is here again, but it's very good weather.
Autumn has got different colours: green, orange, brown, red, yellow...
It's one of the four       seasons
In Autumn , the days are shorter and the leaves are falling to the ground.
There are some animals that store food for the winter.
Preschoolers have met a little worm that eats every day of the week

During the autumn it's traditional the celebration of the MAGOSTO in the Bierzo.
We eat roasted chestnuts and they are delicious. They are roasted over open fires or  inside a drum in constant movement so that the chestnuts  do not burn.
We take a little ash and we paint our faces. It's very funny.
We also celebrate  Hallowe'en.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017


People celebrate Labor Day all over the world.
This is first may.
In some towns or villages in England, children dance round maypoles.
This maypole is made of wood. It's a folk festival
People celebrate Spring. Children are dancing around the Maypole. It's fun.

In the woods there grew a tree
A fine, fine tree was he

On that tree there was a limb
And on that limb there was a branch
On that branch there was a nest
And in that nest there was an egg
In that egg there was a bird
And from that bird a feather came
Of that feather was a bed

On that bed there was a girl
And on that girl there was a man
From that man there was a seed
And from that seed there was a boy
From that boy there was a man
And for that man there was a grave
From that grave there grew a tree

Happy Mother´s Day

When is it celebrated in different countries?
In Ireland is celebrated on the fourth sunday of May.
In United Kingdom , this date changes every year. It's celebrated on the fourth sunday after Lent.
In Wales is celebrated on March 26 this year. This day is three weeks before Easter Sunday , so the day changes every year. The children carry small flowers for their mums from the fields.
In USA is very important day. The children have vacations. It's  celebrated  on the second sunday of May.
In Spain is celebrated on the first sunday of May

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017


People , animals and plants are living things.
Animals can be wild or domestic.
Animals walk, climb, jump, swim or slither.
Animals adapt to their environment.
Fish have got fins
Polar Bears have got  white fur
Camels have got a hump
Monkeys have got a long tail.

Herbivores eat plants and fruit
Carnivores eat meat                                 Nutrition
Omnivores eat meat and plants

Viviparous animals are born from their mother’s body.                    Reproduction
Oviparous animals are born from eggs
Vertebrate animals share these characteristics:
They have got an internal skeleton made up of bones.
They are viviparous.
They have got bodies formed by a head, a trunk and limbs.
They can breathe using lungs or gills.
Their body temperatures are constant
There are five groups :


They live on land.
Some mammals live in water like whales and dolphins.
Mammals' body is covered in fur.
They breathe through their lungs.
Mammals are viviparous.
Mammals drink their mother's milk.

They are oviparous. They lay eggs.
They can be carnivores, herbivores, omnivores.
Adult birds find food for their babies.
Birds breathe by using their lungs.
Birds have got beaks.
Most birds live in the air.
Hens can't fly
Birds' bodies are covered in feathers.

They live in many habitats.
Some live on land and others in water.
Its body is covered in scales.



They are animals that have got no bones or backbone.
They are the most numerous group of all the animals 
Some live on land.
Some live in water . They are aquatic .
Some live in the air.
They are born from eggs.
Some have got six legs.
Some have got eight legs like spiders.
Others have got ten legs like crabs.

Their body is divided into three parts:  Head        Thorax              Abdomen.
There are eyes, mouth and two antennaes  in the head.
It has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. 

martes, 31 de enero de 2017

lunes, 16 de enero de 2017


This term our students are doing a project about trips around the world.
We are going to follow the route of Phileas Fogg in AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS .
This book was written by Julio Verne.
We need a passport.
Our plans are to travel to.... Egypt, India, China, Japan, United States of America....


La mayoría de los adjetivos de nacionalidad tienen una de estas terminaciones: -ish, -ian,-an, -ese

COUNTRY -----------------NATIONALITY (-ish)
England – Inglaterra                                     English - inglés
Ireland – Irlanda                                            Irish - irlandés
Spain – España                                               Spanish – español
The UK – Reino Unido                                 British – británico
Denmark – Dinamarca                                 Danish – danés
Finland – Finlandia                                       Finnish – finlandés
Poland – Polonia                                            Polish – polaco
Scotland – Escocia                                         Scottish – escocés
Sweden – Suecia                                             Swedish – sueco
Turkey – Turquía                                           Turkish – turco
COUNTRY -----------------NATIONALITY (-ian)
Argentina                                                             Argentinian – argentino
Brazil – Brasil                                                      Brazilian – brasileño
Canada                                                               Canadian – canadiense
Ecuador                                                              Ecuadorian – ecuatoriano
Italy – Italia                                                         Italian – italiano
Belgium -Bélgica                                                Belgian – belga
Bolivia                                                                Bolivian – boliviano
Colombia                                                            Colombian – colombiano
Norway – Noruega                                             Norwegian – noruego
Russia – Rusia                                                   Russian - ruso
COUNTRY -----------------NATIONALITY (--an)
Australia                                                     Australian – australiano
Austria                                                       Austrian – austríaco
Bulgaria                                                     Bulgarian - búlgaro
Dominican Republic                                     Dominican - dominicano
Germany – Alemania                                   German - Alemán
Mexico                                                       Mexican - mexicano
Morocco – Marruecos                                  Moroccan – marroquí
The USA – Estados Unidos                           American – estadounidense
Venezuela                                                  Venezuelan - venezolano
COUNTRY -----------------NATIONALITY (-ese)
China                                                                   Chinese – chino
Portugal                                                               Portuguese – portugués
Japan – Japón                                                     Japanese – japonés
COUNTRY                       NATIONALITY (Irregular)
France – Francia                                           French - francés
Greece – Grecia                                            Greek – griego
Holland – Holanda                                        Dutch - holandés



The Great Pyramid at Giza.
It is built with huge blocks of limestone. The pyramid had only one true entrance. They made other entrances with false doors. These doors are made of granite.
Some main Pyramids had a lot of treasures.
It was the tallest building in the world for more than 4,000 years.


Glass-Blowing---------vidrio soplado
Mould-------------------molde. Moldear
Limestone---------------piedras de cal (calízas)
Flax plant----------------------planta de lino
Glass beads----------------abalorios de cristal
Plumb  line--------------------plomada
Slate----------------------------loza, teja, tiza
Shaduf------------------------- utensilio creado para elevar el agua
Plow-------------------------- arado, arar

HORUS     ISIS        KHUNUM         AMUN      ANUBIS    BASTET
NUT          OSIRIS     RA            SET         THOTH   

Amazing Egyptians,
Exciting Egyptians,
Amazing Egyptians,
Exciting Egyptians.

Ancient inscriptions,
Dramatic depictions,
From ages before us,
Now here comes the chorus

To be amid the pyramids,
To ride in style down the Nile,
Having a rare old time with a
Worshipping cats, cows, jackals
and crocodiles.
Here’s looking at ya, Cleopatra,
Tutankhamen, come and take me
back in time.

Known as a nation
For mummification.
They wrote on papyrus
And how they inspire us!

To be amid the pyramids…

Who was the nicest,
Osiris or Isis?
Anubis or Horus?
Now back to the chorus.

To be amid the pyramids…

Here’s looking at ya, Cleopatra,
Tutankhamen, come and take me
back in time
Here’s looking at ya, Cleopatra,
Tutankhamen, come and take me
back in time


This flag has got three colors: Orange, white and green. In the center there is a blue wheel.

The National Animal of India is the Tiger . The National Bird of India is the Peacock . The National Flower of India is the Lotus . The National Tree of India is the Banyan Tree . This tree has got figs.The National Fruit of India is the Mango .The National Sport of India is the Hockey .
Rice and wheat are popular food.


China is in the Eastern side of Asia. The Asian Continent is the largest and most populous of all continents. China is the fourth largest country in the world, after Russia, Canada and the United States.
The capital of China is Beijing.
Its landscape are extremely varied. This country has got great variety of environments, peoples, flora and fauna, and traditions.  

 This flag has got five yellow stars on a red background.
The giant Panda is quite lovely but this animal can roar, growl.... It lives in the forest. It can eat bamboo, grasses, bulbs, insects and fruit. Its babies are born with their eyes closed.

Let's go to Japan
Japan is in Asian country. The capital of Japan is Tokyo.
There are a lot of moutains. There are many volcanoes.
They speak japanese.
They eat rice, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables.
National Flag    
  • Vocabulary

Tectonic plates: placas tectonicas
Bustling:  bullicioso
Earthquake: terremoto
Earth's crust: corteza terrestre
Pagoda: pagoda
Sushi and sashimi: raw fish- pescado crudo
Sudoku: juego sudoku
Japanese origami models: modelos de origami japonés.
Samurai: guerrero
Koinobori Kites: Cometas.
Typhoons: tifones
  • What is the highest mountain in Japan? --It's Fuji
  • What are the typical plants in Japan? They are Cherry  and Plum Blossoms in Spring
This is ASIMO Robot.


London  is very old city.
The Romans built the first city and called it Londinium.
They built this city and a bridge across the river Thames.
London was the capital of England in 1666. It was big and important. Many houses were made of Wood. There were streets very narrow. There were butchers , bakers, carpenters, brewers, blacksmiths...
One night, the wind blew and blew and there was a small fire in oven. This oven was the baker's. The fire was getting bigger . The houses made of wood began to burn the families living in these houses ran out. 
The GREAT FIRE OF LODON was a terrible tragedy, but the new London was a cleaner city.

England Flag

These are the most important buildings:
-------------------------------The Tower of London
-------------------------------The Buckinham Palace
-------------------------------Saint Paul's Cathedral
--------------------------------The Houses of Parliament
-------------------------------Tower Bridge
--------------------------------The Gherkin
--------------------------------St James's Palace
--------------------------------Westminster Abbey
---------------------------------Big Ben
      Ireland is called Éire in Irish and is also known as the Republic of Ireland.
Dublin is the capital of Ireland.
Shamrock is the national symbol of Ireland.
Saint Patrick's Day is the national holiday of Irland.


Second October:
He and his servant are going on a trip around the world.

Twenty Third October: We are going to travel from Bombay to Calcuta by Elephant.
First November: We are going to cross The South China Sea by steamer.
Fourteenth November: We are going to cross the Pacific Ocean to America by steamer.
And we are going from San Francisco to New York by train.
Twenty third November: We are going from New York to London by steamer.
Finally our journey will be over and we are going to win our bet.

Phileas fogg's schedule

London to Bombay
20 days
Bombay to Calcuta
3 days
Calcuta to Hong Kong
13 days
Hong Kong to Yokohama
6 days
Yokohama to  San Francisco
22 days
San Francisco to New York City
7 days
New York City to London
9 days

We live on planet Earth.
The earth is round.
There are five continents and five oceans on Earth.
The cardinal points are north, south, east and west.