Una página para reforzar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés de forma lúdica y divertida, repasando

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2019


December, December is a month with  many traditions.

Customs and traditions

Street lights, ornaments and Christmas trees and carol choirs.
The tree and the Bethlehem are important in the Christmas decoration of Spanish homes.
The family gathers for dinner and they sing Christmas Carols and Songs. They usually prepare special dinner with turkey, seafood and delicacies that are not eaten every day. The families that celebrate Santa Claus, give the gifts that same night and the most religious attend the Mass of the Rooster that is celebrated at 00.00 to commemorate that God was born.
Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. Most families get together to eat and have a nice time. One of the traditions is to eat Nougat.
New Year's Eve: tonight is celebrated on the last day of the year. At 00.00, everyone is attentive to television since they are the bells. Tradition orders to eat a grape with each bell.  Then we have a glass of champagne.
You have to wear red underwear and put a ring in the cup. This gives us good luck  all year.
On January 1, families meet again to celebrate the first meal of the year.
Finally, The Three Wise Men arrive in Spain on January 5. They give gifts to all the children during that special night.

Our school sings Carols and prepares dances too.


sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019


Where are our senses?

“When I hear, I forget. 
When I see, I remember.
 When I do, I understand.”

1. What do you see? 
----------------------pretty/ugly, dirty/clean ,big/little

2. What do you hear? 
3. How does it smell? 
------------------------nice/stinky /gross / foul

4. How does it taste? 
------------------------sweet/salty/sour good/bad
 5. Ho does it feel?
 -----------------------hot/cold , rough/smooth , soft/hard,  wet/dry 




The skeleton has got bones in the head, the trunk and the limbs.
Our body has got more than 200 bones. all these bones form the skeleton.
The skeleton holds up our body, protects its delicate parts and helps to move it.

What do you eat?  Do you eat a healthy diet?

What do people eat around the world?

How to brush your teeth

  • Start by softly brushing your front teeth.
  • Brush from your  gums to your teeth.
  • Brush the inside of your teeth in the same way.
  • Don’t  forget to also brush the teeth at the back of your mouth.
  • Brush the surface of your molars from back to front.
  • To finish, lightly brush your tongue and rinse your mouth.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019


June 5th is World Environment Day.
We all  want a clean and green planet.
Recycling helps protect the environment.
World Environment Day began in 1972.
You can do something positive to help your Earth Planet.

  • What are the biggest environmental problems in the world?

We share the same planet.
We can contribute to conservate our environment and wildlife.
It's important to support alternative source of power, like solar stations, wind power...

  • What can you do to help the environment?

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019


What is energy ?
Energy can't  be  destroyed, only changed. This is called the law of conservation.
Energy exists all around  us and  there are different   types of energy.
Almost all types of energy  are "potential energy" or " Kinetic  energy" .
Electrical current is the flow of electrical charge through materials.
A generator is needed to create the electrical current. It produces energy which allows the charge to flow through the material.
The simplest form of generator is a battery. Batteries transform chemical energy into electrical energy. Power stations also use very powerful generators called alternators.
Conductors are materials like metal that  transmit electrical current.
Insulators are materials like wood and plastic that do not transmit electrical current.
An electrical circuit is made up of different components that allow an electrical current to flow. This makes it possible to generate, transport and use electrical current.

When you switch on a light, you use an electrical circuit. 
----A generator located at the nearest power station.
---Electrical wires that transport the current to your house , then to the socket and finally to the light bulb.
---- A switch that opens or closes the circuit.
---- A light bulb that produces light by using the energy from the electrical current.

The main sources of energy can be divided in:

            Petroleum, natural gas, uranium and coal are found under the ground.
       Fossil fuels are the decomposed remains of plants and animals that were buried underground millions of years ago.
      Plants and organisms died and got covered by layers of sand and rocks

These are the Sun, wind, water and biomass.
These energy sources are always available.
They will never run out.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019


On April 1 is celebrated in the United Kingdom April fools' day, the day of the innocents.
It is a day dedicated to jokes, and to celebrate it is not strange to find several "news" in the British newspapers somewhat different, and some interesting announcements ....
The equivalent in Spain is  the Holy Innocents' Day , which is celebrated on December 28. April fools', the day of jokes on April 1 is celebrated in several countries, including Italy, France, Dimanarca, Germany, Switzerland ... So if you walk around London or any city in the UK on April 1 you see something that seems a little strange to you ... you know why!

martes, 19 de marzo de 2019


The idea of celebrating Father's Day arrived in Spain after it extended to the United States in 1948.
On March 19, Father's Day is celebrated in Spain, a very special celebration for all parents who have children.
Nowadays, parents are involved in education and caring for children more often than before, but not yet enough.
Father's Day is a perfect occasion to strengthen the relationship between parents and children and do something special, unique, different.

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019


There is an enormous variety of living things on the Earth. 
Living things are classified into large groups called KINGDOMS.
The three principal kingdoms are the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and the fungi Kingdom.

Fungi are different living things from plants and animals. Many fungi are beneficial to  people, but others can be harmful.
Protists include two very different types of organisms: algae and  protozoa.
Algae are aquatic living things that can be unicellular or multicellular. Some multicellular marine algae can grow to a very large size. Algae are used as food in many countries, because they are very nutritious.
Protozoa are unicellular living things that live in aquatic environments. They feed on other organisms.
Monerans are unicellular living things. This kingdom includes bacteria. They are the smallest and simplest living things and can be seen through a microscope. Bacteria are everywhere in the world. They can live in all kinds of environments: soil, in water,  inside other living things. 
Some bacteria are helpful as those used to make yoghurt. But others are harmful  like cholera.

Viruses are not included in any of the five kingdoms. They aren't living things. They can reproduce inside living things, like the flu  virus.

Where can you find mushrooms?
Do you think mushrooms are plants or animals?
Write four characteristics of each kingdom.

domingo, 13 de enero de 2019


PROJECT: THE TICK SAILOR                      
This new friend is called Garrapata (tick) . He travels through the seas and oceans of our planet. 
We are going to learn about this important element : THE WATER

  • Where can we find water ?
Water is found all over our blue planet. There are: 
                                                                              Sea Water . This water is called salt water.
                                                                              Fresh water : rivers, lakes and steams.
                                                                              Groundwater: it's found under the Earth's surface. For example     aquifers and wells.
                                                                              Snow and ice : Glaciers and Icebergs.

  • Uses of water:
You use water to boil your food.
You use water to wash your hands.
You use water to scrub the floor of your house.
You use water to swim.
Farmers use water to water their fields.
---------------------------------------------------------What else?

The hydrosphere is the part of the Earth. It includes all the water.

  • How much water is in the world?
  • What the different parts of the water cycle are ?
  • Where does the water go?
  • Is there water in the air?
  • Do plants give us water?

The atmosphere is the layer of gass. It's composed of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases. The atmosphere is divided into different layers:

  • Troposphere
  • Stratosphere
  • Mesosphere
  • Thermosphere
  • Exosphere
  • ionosphere

What is the atmosphere?
What is precipitation?
How are clouds formed?
Why does it rain?
How is a rainbow formed?
What is weather?
Which elements make up weather?
What is air pollution?
What types of climate are there in the Earth Planet ?
What's the different between weather and Climate?
What is a season?
Why are days longer in summer and shorter in winter?
Which is the place on Earth that has the coldest climate?

What´s the weather like today? Is it typical of the climate in your region?
What are the characteristic features of the climate where you live?
Do any of your normal activities depend on the weather? Why?
Which people are especially interested in the weather forecast? Why?


The weather is the set of features that presents the enviroment at a time in a particular place.
So, we are talking about a cold day , a rainy afternoon or a weekend of a sunny week.
Climate is the atmospheric weather that predominates in an area over a long period of  time. In this way, we can know that winters are cold in a city or it rains a lot in the fall in a region.
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind
  • Rainfall
  • Atmospheric pressure

Spain has got a variety of climate zones:
                                               Oceanic climate
                                               Continental Mediterranean Climate
                                               Subtropical  climate
                                               Mountain Climate
                                               Mediterranean climate
There is little difference between seasons. There is a lot of rain.
Winters are not very cold . Summers are cool.
It is the main climate in Spain. There isn't a lot of precipitation. Winters are mild. But it is not much snow.
Summers are warm. Winters are cold and summers are very hot.
Temperatures are high all year long and there isn't a lot of precipitation. The Canary Islands are near the hottest area of the planet. The temperatures are high throughout the year.
In areas of high  altitude. Winters are cold and summers are mild. There is a lot of precipitation  in summer and It  snows  a lot of in winter .
There are very low temperatures in winter and cool weather in summer.
The Mediterranean Sea has an important influence on this climate on this climate zone.
Summers are hot and winters are mild.
There isn't a lot of precipitation but there can be torrential rains.

Easy Science Project Experiment